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Facts and Questions


Do I need cycling shoes? Absolutely not!! If you have one great but they are not required.  What is required is a thicker soled sneaker that will provide extra support to the bottom of the foot.


Do I need a gel seat? Well that depends! If you are new to indoor cycling a Gel seat will make it more comfortable until you’ve gone through some classes. We do have some in the studio if you do not have a seat of your own.


When does the pain of indoor cycling go away? A question I have been asked multiple times.  It’s suggested that you complete 6-8 sessions that aren’t spaced too far away from one another.  And YES the pain eventually goes away.


What is my RPM? A/k/a your “Cadence”.  Our instructors teach by your RPM or revolutions per minute.  How many times the flywheel rotates per minute.  That number is found on your monitor and will allow you to achieve your cycling goals.


Do I need to reserve a bike? It is highly suggested that you reserve your bike.  If you are not a monthly member it is required to pay at the time of your reservation.  The reservation book is in the studio


What do I do if I need to cancel my reservation? 24 hours is requested to cancel your reservation HOWEVER I understand that this isn’t always possible.  Please do your best to give the most notice as a curtesy to other members and new riders.


Do I need to bring a towel? It’s up to you but towels are provided.


Do I need a yoga mat? We have yoga mats available if you do not have one of your own.


Policy on wearing your “street shoes” into the gym: I highly suggest you do not wear “street shoes” into the gym.  Quite frankly, no one likes to do push-ups with their hand in dirt/water/mud etc.  Cubbies are provided when you enter the gym to store your shoes.  If you forget there aren’t shoe police so don’t freak out.


Where do I park? There is a ton of street parking and across the street is the Citizens Bank rear parking lot.

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